Quantcast Vegetarian StarObama Invites Vegan Macaroon Company To JOBS Act Signing (Video)

Barack Obama

Barack Obama invited a vegan food company to the signing of the JOBS act in Washington. The bill allows smaller companies to go public sooner

Samantha Abrams and her partner Ian Gaffney were honorable attendees at the event because of their success at crowd sourcing. Raising $15,000, Abrams and Gaffney designed packages for their products that were eco-friendly.

Emmy’s Organics makes vegan, gluten-free and raw goodies like macaroons, granola, chocolate sauce, fudge, pies and cake and almond milk.

A few interesting tidbits about the company’s products are below:

  • 7 employees
  • sales of 1 million a year
  • 10,000 macaroons made each day
  • 80% sales come from cookies

If you’re the type to grow bored from eating the same macaroon every day, fear not, as Emmy’s Organics stocks about a dozen different varieties from Lemon Ginger to Chai Spice to Mint Chip.

Abrams maintains a blog on the company’s website, EmmysOrganics.com,and recently took time to describe the feeling that every business wants: being happy and exhausted from so much demand.

“The past few months have been crazy. I feel like I always say that, but every time its true. We are truly a growing business and we are grateful. Every growth spurt brings new challenges and hurtles to jump over. In the past month we are been experiencing major growth and frequency in our orders. It is so exciting to get these orders in. We get this energizing feeling like, “people want us!!!”

Founder Abrams isn’t just a magician with vegan desserts. Check out the video of her demonstrating how to make raw veggie rice and raw veggie rolls.

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