Quantcast Vegetarian StarJared Leto Promises Vegan Pancakes With Sweet Crooning

Jared Leto
Concert food is hit or miss when it comes to veganism. Most venues can offer you soda, fries and maybe a pretzel, so it’s natural to sneak a few protein bars in an area you hope won’t get patted down before you enter the arena.

But 30 Seconds to Mars singer Jared Leto is revolutionizing the way vegetarians chow at musical performances. If his trend is followed nationwide, we could soon to spooning up vegan pancakes at the next Moby show.

On his Facebook page, Leto recently announced the arrival of VyRT, a “live, intimate Thirty Seconds to Mars in-studio performance on 4/27, including a preview of the live tour film, sneak peek of ARTIFACT, discussion w/ the band + a look into the future of MARS.”

Leto promised to make vegan pancakes sometime during a show if the post received 75,000 likes and 2,500 shares within 24 hours.

Over the weekend, the post accumulated over 34,000 likes  and 5,000 shares, but we’re sure Leto will be a good sport and bring his Earth Balance vegan butter and maple syrup and show everybody how to make a flapjack sans milk, egg and butter.

Digital tickets for the show are available here and the live streaming from your laptop deal while you lie around in your undies makes it easy to sneak all kinds of vegan food to the event.

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