Quantcast Vegetarian StarLinda McCartney Food Range Adds Four New Products

Linda McCartney Food Range Adds Four New Products

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 21st, 2011 in Business, Food & Drink.

Linda McCartney Foods

Hain Celestial Group, the makers of the vegetarian food range started by the late Linda McCartney, has unveiled four new products to its line.

The mini snack vegetarian sausages, vegetarian roast, rosemary and red onion sausages and cranberry and camembert quarter pounders are expected to hit the shelves at Sainsbury’s and Asda stores in the UK in November.

A description of the mini snack vegetarian sausages from Linda McCartney foods:

Our new Mini Snack Sausages are a smaller version of our best selling vegetarian sausages. They are perfect party food, tasty bite-sized nibbles great for dipping, or try them beer battered with mustard mayonnaise – simply serve and watch them disappear. Children will love them too, quick, easy and nutritious in lunchboxes or as a tasty, tea time treat.

All products are vegetarian and both sausage products are vegan-friendly.

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