Quantcast Vegetarian StarRuby Rose Shares Anti-Fur Thoughts With Maxim (Video)

Ruby Rose Shares Anti-Fur Thoughts With Maxim (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 30th, 2011 in Fur, Models, Videos.

Ruby Rose Maxim

Australian model Ruby Rose chose to wear her own skin for a recent Maxim Australia photo shoot and she believes animals should have that choice too.

“Not a lot of people know about fur,” Rose said in an interview with the magazine. “I was mortified thinking this happens just to make a f–king jacket. I can’t get past the idea of having an animal that’s been skinned alive on top of me and somehow thinking that’s cool from a fashion standpoint.”

Rose criticized the reality TV show Australia’s Next Top Model because the contestants dressed in real fur.

“They could have so easily used faux fur and even a lot of heavy hitters in fashion avoid fur. It’s unacceptable in this day and age and in most people’s eyes and it saddens me that this can still occur,” Rose said in an interview.

The video from Rose’s Maxim photo shoot can be seen below.

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