Quantcast Vegetarian StarMyq Kaplan Discusses Veganism In “Art Of The Animal” Series (Video)

Art of the Animal: Myq Kaplan from Our Hen House on Vimeo.

Myq Kaplan was featured in Our Hen House’s “Art of the Animal Series” and he brought his quirky and dry sense of humor with him in exchange for “hummus and hugs.”

“What inspired me to initially become a vegetarian was I say thoughts that a lot of people have, you know, about ‘hey, we shouldn’t hurt animals,'” Myq says in the interview. “Those thoughts are normally stamped out by, “Ah, but the animals are delicious.'”

During a performance at Gotham Comedy Club in NY, Myq gushed at how wonderful it was to speak in front of a majority vegan audience, something he estimated has occurred at least twice in his lifetime and how it gave him the perfect opportunity to discuss the raw vegan assholes.

It’s no wonder the Last Comic Standing finalist’s CD Vegan Mild Meld was one of iTunes top 10 bestselling comedy CDs of 2010.

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