Quantcast Vegetarian StarBill Clinton Assures Matt Lauer Being Vegan Doesn’t Suck (Video)

Bill Clinton

Being vegan doesn’t suck.

Just ask Bill Clinton.

During an interview on Today with Matt Lauer, Clinton finished off the 12 minute segment reassuring everyone that while there are many things that suck in the world, tofu and beans aren’t included.

LAUER: 30 seconds to end on a lighter note. When you were president, you were known for your appetite. Man, you loved the doughnuts, the junk food, anything southern fried. Now we sit here and you’re just turned 65, you’ve had a quadruple bypass and you’re a vegan. Does that suck?

CLINTON: Who’d of thought it? No, no, you know, when you get older your appetites change and abate and you’re more interested in having another good day so I’d like to have as many good days as possible and this seems to be the best way to get it.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Bill Clinton Assures Matt Lauer Being Vegan Doesn’t Suck (Video)”

  1. herwin Says:

    lets hear it, three cheers for Billy for sticking up for veganism. hooray, hooray…hooray.