Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Oz Suggests A Veggie Burgers Taste Test

Dr. Oz Suggests A Veggie Burgers Taste Test

Written by Vegetarian Star on August 22nd, 2011 in Food & Drink, TV Hosts.

Dr. Oz and his health column partner Dr. Mike Roizen are dishing out some good advice for a family that wants to trim the animal fat from its diet.

A husband asks Oz and Roizen:

“Both my wife and I work late, so we often stop at fast-food places for our family dinners. We want to change this, but how will we get the kids to eat anything else now that they’re used to burgers and fries all of the time?”

The Drs. kindly suggest that this great man try a veggie burger or two on the family–even if means giving them a blind taste test.

There are numerous brands of veggie burgers around, but none fall into the category of “one size fits all tastebuds.” While some people are more turned on to veggie burgers that taste and smell like real meat, others prefer to know they’re biting into carrots and rice. But if you frequent McDonald’s so much even the Ronald McDonald statue knows you by first name, it’s hard to know where to start.

Vegetarian Star has given a few suggestions in the past, including recommendations from Food Network diva Rachael Ray, who conducted a taste test of her own.

The winners, which include both vegetarian and vegan, were the following:

  • Best Veggie Medley: Lightlife Light Burgers-Veggie
  • Best Mushroom: Gardenburger Portabella
  • Best Original: Amy’s All American Veggie Burger
  • Best Flavored: Boca Cheeseburger
  • Best Black Bean: Morningstar Farms Spicy Black Bean Veggie Burger

Photo: PR Photos

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