Michael Vick Wants Tougher Laws For Dog Fighting Spectators
Written by Vegetarian Star on July 19th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Athletes-Games-Sports.
Michael Vick is joining the Humane Society of the United States to fight for legislation that cracks down on attending dog fighting events and imposes additional penalties for getting minors involved.
H.R. 2492, the Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act, is a bipartisan act introduced by Reps. Tom Marino, R-Pa., and Betty Sutton, D-Ohio.
“Too many kids get involved in dogfighting, and it’s time to break this cycle. Animal fighting is a dead-end road for the young men, and there’s nothing but terrible outcomes for the dogs placed in a pit to fight,” said Vick. “Since my case came to light, the laws against animal fighting have been upgraded, and here’s another opportunity to strengthen the law and establish an even stronger deterrent.”
According to the Humane Society, targeting spectators of dog fighting helps to curb the problem at several angles. Spectators provide revenue to fund fights and motivate participants in the crime. Large crowds also enable dog fighters to easily hide and escape during police raids.
“Spectators are participants and accomplices who enable the crime of animal fighting, provide a large share of the funding for the criminal enterprise through their admission fees and gambling wagers, and help conceal handlers and organizers who try to blend into the crowd when a bust occurs,” said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The HSUS. “We hope that Congress will give law enforcement additional tools to crack down on the entire cast of characters involved in animal fighting spectacles.”
Photo: PR Photos
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