Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Real Time With Bill Maher” Features Dr. T. Colin Campbell (Video)

Dr. T. Colin Campbell, author of the best selling book about the link between diseases of affluence and meat, The China Study, was a guest on Real Time with Bill Maher to discuss the film Forks Over Knives and the idea of eating less meat for good health.

“It’s the story of one of the best kept secrets in healthcare that I can think of,” Campbell said. “It’s what food can do for us.”

Dr. Campbell believes the food that does the most for us is unprocessed and as close to its natural form as possible.

Although issues like obesity and nutrition are becoming no laughing matter, Maher used the opportunity to make plenty of tasteful jokes about the cost of quality food, the USDA food pyramid and the First Lady’s mission to get kids fitter.

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