Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Bittman Says July 4th Tough For Meatless Monday

Mark Bittman

Okay. So you’ve finally made the decision to change your eating habits because you know that daily burger isn’t doing anything for your health or the environment and the last farm sanctuary you visited made you want to freak your doberman out by introducing him to his latest animal housemate Mr. Pig.

Meatless Monday is a good start, but is the 4th of July holiday the best time to convert, considering there will be all those hot dogs, burgers and other meaty goods on the grill?

Mark Bittman recently explored this dilemma is his New York Times food column.

Like every day in America, the Fourth of July is a celebration of protein. But the Fourth is a special day for burgers and ribs, not beans and rice, a day with contests to see who can eat the most hot dogs, not the most veggie patties. If you’re anti-meat, the Fourth of July can feel anti-you.

Bittman discusses the rising popularity in the Meatless Monday campaign and its benefits, but recognizes that the July 4th holiday may not be the best time for the most dedicated carnivore to make changes.

The Fourth of July may not be the day to trade in your hot dog, but the following Monday is a good one for beans and rice.

While Bittman’s suggestion will work for some, Vegetarian Star would like to remind potential flexitarians that the holiday is also the perfect opportunity to become acquainted with the dozens of faux meats available that put the real stuff to shame.

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