Quantcast Vegetarian StarGwyneth Paltrow Ditches Turkey Burgers For Veggie Ones

Gwyneth Paltrow Ditches Turkey Burgers For Veggie Ones

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 30th, 2011 in Actresses, Food & Drink, Recipes.

Former vegetarian Gwyneth Paltrow is the self-professed Queen of the Thanksgiving turkey burger. So thank goodness daughter Apple keeps mommy in check by refusing to eat any critter she offers and requesting homemade veggie burgers on a regular basis.

Paltrow created these after buying a box of prepared veggie burgers from the grocery store that tasted so horrible, it made her turn back to turkey burgers. It’s rumored that the men in Paltrow’s life, son Moses and husband Chris Martin of Coldplay, demand these black bean and rice patties always be topped with avocado.

We will go ahead and start another rumor that most people who try these will probably want to cook them several times a week.

Grab Gwyneth’s Veggie Burger Recipes here.

Photo: PR Photos

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