Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Food Network Star” Makes Paula Deen Eat Tofu

“Food Network Star” Makes Paula Deen Eat Tofu

Written by Vegetarian Star on June 27th, 2011 in Film & TV, Food & Drink, Reality TV.

Next Food Network Star

Reality TV cooking shows usually play devil and not angel to vegetarian contestants and meals, but during a recent episode of The Next Food Network Star, the chefs made meals from Kellogg’s products that were mostly meatless.

The bad boys and girls must be ice skating in hell right now, because when Paula Deen eats tofu the place has definitely frozen over.

And amazingly, Paula didn’t wrap the piece of soy in bacon, fry it in lard and dip it in butter.

Bran cereals and Pop Tart don’t sound like ingredients to star with to make an award-winning dish, but the teams Art, Crew, Writers, Vanities and Cast put together meals containing collards greens, quinoa and the especially made tofu dish for Paula. As expected, she didn’t like it. But at least she made history by eating it.

During the past few months, we’ve seen some good representation of veggie eating on food television. Vegan donuts from Seattle hit “holes in one” on the Food Network’s first ever breakfast food competition. Masterchef put a vegetarian chef in the finals. And Sudhir Kandula‘s vegetarian/Indian/health idea for a restaurant made it to the top three in the all-new show that searched for America’s Next Great Restaurant.

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One Response to ““Food Network Star” Makes Paula Deen Eat Tofu”

  1. Desiree Says:

    The only thing that makes meat edible to most humans is to cook it and season it beyond recognition, and serve it with vegetables. When you talk about any nutrients being in meat, it comes from a vegetable. The very animals most eaten are vegetarian. So, to see a very over weight woman that looks years beyond her age look so down on this food is as typical and expected as most of your programming. Step up, be brave, represent vegetables better and get a truly good VEGAN chef on your network. I have invented and converted many recipes that satisfy the biggest meat eaters I’ve met. Proteins are also beans, nuts, seeds, and legumes-which isn’t mentioned. I guess I will have to wait until Quaker, General Mills and Kraft buy out more mom and pop wholesome food companies? What about Silk, Garden Burger, Tofurky and Kashi, not big enough to be promoted by your network? People are consuming too much in so many ways. If you are not part of a solution, than you are a problem. Sincerely, Desiree Cassano home vegan chef, 15 years