Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Why Scott Jurek Went Vegan

Scott Jurek

“My mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when I was very young. So that had a huge impact, seeing what disease can do. And as a physical therapist, working in hospitals and seeing chronic illness. Even though I was treating people on a muscular and neurological level, it was very apparent that what people eat destines long-term health. At the time, I was eating fast food four times a week, you name it — extra-large fries, double McChicken sandwich. I used to hate vegetables.”

“And I used to hate running. I could have never have seen myself as this. I used to hunt and fish. In my family, that’s how we explored the outdoors. A major turning point, besides having disease in the family, was reading Dr. Andrew Weil’s book Spontaneous Healing, and then Howard Lyman’s Mad Cowboy. Weil’s book got me really inspired, and then the turning point in going vegan was Mad Cowboy. Not only seeing the health benefits and issues with eating animal foods, it was the environmental edge too that made me really start to realize, OK, how can I have a bigger impact? Because I love and enjoy the wilderness and the wild places that I run in.”

Scott Jurek, in an interview with the Huffington Post.

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