Quantcast Vegetarian StarMcPoop Burgers–Faux Meat From Human Feces (Video)

There’s soy meat. And seitan meat. Even fungus meat.

Now, meet the latest addition to the faux meat family–poop meat.

A researcher has figured out how to craft fake meat from sewage mud and human feces mixed with a few delicious vegetarian seasonings like soya sauce.

We know you’re salivating already.

From Inhabitat:

“[t]he lipids are then combined with a reaction enhancer, then whipped into “meat” in an exploder. Ikeda then makes the poop more savory, by adding soya and steak sauce.”

Sounds gross, but it can’t be any worse than the real deal out there that’s already rife with e. coli.

And it is an interesting twist on conservation and resusing.

If poop meat makes it big, perhaps there will be home conversion kits available for purchase just like cappucino machines and Easy Bake ovens. Your next visit to the john for #2 could be all the preparation you need to make tomorrow’s lunch.

Photo: Mike Burns/Creative Commons

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