Quantcast Vegetarian StarMaggie Q Visits Farmers Market And USA Today Readers Pick Their Favorites

Maggie Q

You know the old saying.

The couple that shops the farmers market together stays together.

Maggie Q and her boyfriend must be in it for the long term, as both were spotted shopping their local market in Los Angeles for grass and fresh veggies.

The actress’ action-packed The CW series Nikita was recently renewed for a second season in May.

If you haven’t already discovered your local farmers market, perhaps you live nearby one of USA Today readers’ favorite picks located in various parts of the United States like in Kentucky, a state revered for its beautiful heirloom tomatoes.

Locavores who are also history buffs may enjoy a trip to the Soulard Market in St. Louis, a historic market established in 1779. One resident described the market as having “an old-time feel” that has “maintained a large amount of that original, historic charm.”

More at USA Today.

Photo: PR Photos

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