Quantcast Vegetarian StarNatalie Portman Welcomes Baby Boy And Maybe Veganism Again

Natalie Portman

Vegetarian actress Natalie Portman has welcomed her first child with fiance Benjamin Millepied.

Now that her baby boy has arrived, those strange and pesky cravings she experienced during pregnancy have hopefully subsided.

So does this mean we’ll see a vegan Natalie again soon?

Portman has been a vegetarian for most of her life, but took her diet a step further a couple of years ago by going vegan. When she became pregnant, she experienced intense cravings for eggs and gave into them.

“I actually went back to being vegetarian when I became pregnant, just because I felt like I wanted that stuff,” Portman said.

“I was listening to my body to have eggs and dairy and that sort of stuff. I know there are people who do stay vegan, but I think you have to just be careful, watch your iron levels and your B12 levels and supplement those if there are things you might be low in your diet.”

The debate over adding animal products in the diet during pregnancy is one that’s been discussed too often on Vegetarian Star, so we won’t waste time making alternate suggestions for animal products that contain the same Vitamins and minerals or pointing out suggestions by formerly pregnant vegan moms that got them through 9 months without a steak sending them to rehab.

We’ll instead congratulate Portman on her new bundle of joy and look forward to reading what vegetarian meals baby Portman-Millepied loves to eat in the future.

Photo: PR Photos

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