Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Morrissey Compares Eating Meat To Child Abuse


“It’s the same thing, animals are like children, they look to us for protection. We should protect them. I really feel quite smug about mad cow disease and foot and mouth and so forth, and I just think ‘Well, what do you expect’? People have been saying it for years.”

Morrissey,  in another statement that makes him famous for his outspokenness, comparing eating meat and child abuse. A 10-day music festival in Belgium has taken meat off the menu for the day Morrissey performs, and the “Meat is Murder” singer also recently asked a venue in Perth to do the same. Morrissey has been known to walk off the stage during a show because the smell of meat disgusted him.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful–Morrissey Compares Eating Meat To Child Abuse”

  1. Sarah Says:

    Well said Moz. Keep it up.