Quantcast Vegetarian StarAC/DC “You Shook Me All Night Long” Preferred By Great White Sharks


If you need a dirty deed done dirt cheap, look no further than to nature’s great white sharks.

A ocean tour guide in Australia has discovered the magnificent creatures like to get closer to humans when their favorite tunes are played by rock group AC/DC.

Great White Shark

Sharks are attracted to music in the low-frequency range and playing the songs “You Shook Me All Night Long” and “If You Want Blood” did it for them even more than the lure of fresh food.

“We know the AC/DC music works best by trial and error, and we are doing more research to see what works best with different species of shark,” said tour operator Matt Waller.

When AC/DC music is played, the sharks not only show up for the party with the tourists, they try to get as close as possible to them. It’s like everybody wants in the mosh pit.

“Quite often we see the sharks on the surface, but most of the time our guests want to get in the cage and see them up close. I’ve seen the sharks rub their faces on the cage where the sound is coming from as if to feel it.”

Scientists have noticed before that animals, like humans, have music preferences. Monkeys, for example, are very narcissistic and hate music unless it’s sung by one of their own.

Photo: PR Photos

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