Quantcast Vegetarian StarDemi Moore Wants Bullhooks Banned From Circus Elephants (Video)

Demi Moore

Demi Moore is standing up for circus elephants in Georgia. The handlers of the circus are currently allowed to use bullhooks on the animals, but the Fulton County Board of Commissioners is taking a vote on Wednesday that would forbid trainers from doing what is already banned in county zoos and sanctuaries.

Bullhooks are training devices consisting of long wooden or metal sticks with sharp devices on the end designed to inflict pain when striking the elephant.

“Today, elephant sanctuaries and most zoos – including Zoo Atlanta – never use bullhooks or other weapon-like tools to punish elephants,” writes Moore in a letter on behalf of PETA. “I hope you will extend that inherent decency to elephants used in circuses… The elephants deserve our kindness, respect, and protection.”

PETA has an ongoing campaign against circus giant Ringling Bros. for its use of bullhooks on elephants. Below is a clip of an ex circus trainer describing how bullhooks hurt elephants. He says the sounds the elephants make when struck with the bullhooks are so disturbing, some trainers will play loud music to cover up the cries.

Photo: PR Photos

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4 Responses to “Demi Moore Wants Bullhooks Banned From Circus Elephants (Video)”

  1. james Says:

    Demi, you have done a great job! Keep it up. Best Blessings to Demi and Ashton.

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