Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Barker To Be Honored At Mercy For Animals Activist Party

Bob Barker

Bob Barker will be honored at the Honoring Heroes Event, hosted by animal rights group Mercy for Animals.

The event is to both celebrate Barker’s three decades of animal activism and to recognize the hundreds of undercover activists who risk their safety to undercover cruelty on farms.

In 2010, Barker narrated an undercover investigation by MFA that resulted in Costco Wholesalers banning the sale of veal from animals kept in narrow crates. He’s also been a vegetarian for decades, reminded everyone who watched The Price is Right to spay and neuter their pets to prevent unwanted animals and has helped set up multiple animal law programs at universities and colleges across the country.

“Bob Barker is a true hero for animals,” said Nathan Runkle, executive director for Mercy for Animals. “Mr. Barker’s boundless compassion and generosity have inspired great change and moved our society towards a kinder and more humane future for all creatures.”

The event takes place on June 4 at a private residence in Hollywood Hills and feature cocktails and vegan cuisine. For more information and to obtain tickets, visit Hidden Heroes Party.

Photo: PR Photos

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