Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Mary McCartney Says Beauty Not Worth Animals Suffering

Mary McCartney

“Subjecting animals to pain and suffering just so that we can produce a new shade of lipstick or eye-shadow is simply cruel and unnecessary in this day and age. EU politicians promised to ban the sale of cruelly-tested cosmetics by 2013 and I sincerely believe they should honour that ethical pledge.”

Mary McCartney, on the European Union delay to ban the sale of animal tested cosmetics. Although animal testing was outlawed in both the UK and Europe, products that contain animal tested ingredients are still being sold. A ban on such products has been delayed several times over the past few years, and officials are still considering delaying the new 2013 deadline.

For more information on this campaign, visit the Humane Society International.

Photo: PR Photos

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