Quantcast Vegetarian StarFriskies Launches iPad Games For Cats (Video)

Friskies Launches iPad Games For Cats (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 25th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Tech.

catipad Friskies

With the new Friskies’ apps for ipad and Android, your cat will be so busy with its own high-tech games it won’t have time to sit on your computer while you’re trying to work.

Nah, that will never happen.

But there are three really cool games the pet food company has launched that are guaranteed to make Mittens as nerdy as its owner: Cat Fishing, Tasty Treasures Hunt and Party Mix-Up!

Heck, screw the cats–let them play with your regular computer. These sound like more fun for humans.

These games were developed using real live kitties to see which applications actually did pry them away from the owner’s laptop.

According to This Dish Is Veg, there’s no need to worry about Mr. Claws either. The screens withstood the cat’s paws and didn’t scratch during play.

Friskies will soon be releasing an iphone app that will play noises that cats enjoy, like birds chirping or the sound of a can opening. For more information, visit Games For Cats.

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