Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Vegan 101” Series 2 Behind The Scenes Sneak Peek (Video)

A sneak peek of the second season of actress Joanne Rose‘s award-winning vegan web series, Vegan 101, has been released.

The second season features a segment by actor Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight, The Expendables), who plays a doctor with his own daytime television show that he uses to spread the infectious spirit of the vegan lifestyle through humorous antics.

“Dr. Eaton Wright” can be seen with copies of his best selling DVD kit “Miso Soup for the Soul,” alongside Rose who sports a pair of scrubs for what appears to be the role of his assistant.

The debut episode, “Vegano,” looks extrememly humorous, as it features a man (Richard Azurdia) who is peddling a product called “Vegano”–a product available in small bottle, in an informercial-like setting.

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