Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichelle Obama May Add Flowers To White House Garden

Michelle Obama May Add Flowers To White House Garden

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 17th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Gardening.

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama is considering greening the White House even more by planting a garden of flowers to be used for decorating the halls and rooms of the president’s home.

The First Lady would use the flowers to brighten up the decor in the East and West Wings.

“In terms of using things from the garden, I feel like that’s in the works,” White House chief florist Laura Dowling told U.S. News & World Report. “We all know about her organic vegetable garden, and all she’s done to promote healthy eating and living. I think the next step then is a cutting garden.”

Dowling said the flowers can do more than decorate. Depending on the color and species, flowers can also symbolize a “diplomatic role.”

They can also help create a tasty and decorative dish. An edible flower garden could be Mrs. Obama’s next step in demonstrating cooking and seasoning with healthy, plant-based sources.

Vegetarian Times has an article that discusses types of edible flowers, their flavors and what dishes they go best in. Chrysanthemum, a flower with a mild peppery flavor, is a great addition to soups, dips and cooked vegetables. Marigolds can be added to pasta sauces, yogurts and flavored butters. And with their sweet flavors, Violets go great as a syrup in any vegan ice cream.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Michelle Obama May Add Flowers To White House Garden”

  1. Michelle Obama May Add Flowers To White House Garden | American Obama Says:

    […] the original here: Michelle Obama May Add Flowers To White House Garden Twitter Facebook Del.icio.us Reddit May 17, 2011 | Posted in: michelle obama, Obama, obama […]

  2. Wholesale Flowers Co Says:

    Flowers would be nice. Roses like cabbage roses would be spectacular in the white house garden!