Quantcast Vegetarian StarMaggie Q Talks Getting Naked For Animals On Conan (Video)

Maggie Q PETA ad

Maggie Q appeared on Conan O’Brien‘s late night TBS talk show where the topic of her pro-vegetarian ads for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals came up.

Conan didn’t reveal he’s going vegetarian anytime soon, but he did admit he had to consider it because of Maggie’s influence.

“I’m an Irish-Catholic guy who eats way too much meat, but these ads made me want to become vegetarian,” O’Brien said.

After looking at both ads Maggie’s done for PETA, who wouldn’t be motivated to give up meat for this gal?


Maggie discussed the “Spice Up Your Life” ad she did with chili peppers. Apparently, she was told the peppers weren’t that hot, but after a few minutes of lying on them, her skin felt a little warm.

As a trooper, she kept shooting the ad.

“For the animals, anything,” Maggie said.

In 1912, a man named Wilbur Scoville invented a scale for determining the hotness of a chili pepper, measured in Scoville units from 0-10, with 10 being the hottest. Sweet bell peppers, sweet banana peppers and pimentos have a negligle heat level on the Scoville scale and are the safest peppers to lie naked in.

With a Scoville level of 10, Red Savina Habanero and Indian Tezpur are the peppers that will knock your taste buds out, burn the skin and among some of the peppers you should wear gloves if cutting, chopping or otherwise preparing for cooking.

More on the Scoville rating of peppers. Below is Maggie’s appearance on Conan.

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