Quantcast Vegetarian StarFlorida Bill Banning Photographing Factory Farms Dies

Florida Bill Banning Photographing Factory Farms Dies

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 10th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink.


In what will hopefully set a precedent to what will take place in states with similar pending legislation, a bill that would criminalize undercover investigators who obtain photographic evidence of animal cruelty on farms was not passed before the Florida legislative session ended.

Dubbed “gag-ag” bills, these attempts to silence what goes on in farms across the U.S. could cost human lives in addition to allowing animals to continue to be harmed.

An investigation by the Humane Society of the United States found sick cows being put into the food supply at the Hallmark Westland slaughter plant in California. Their findings led to the USDA ordering the largest meat recall in history–143 million pounds of beef. Hallmark Westland served over 100 school districts and fast food establishments like In-N-Out and Jack In The Box.

“These draconian bills to silence whistle-blowers show just how far the animal agribusiness industry is willing to go, and just how much the industry has to hide,” said Paul Shapiro, senior director of farm animal protection for The HSUS.

“It’s our hope that lawmakers in Iowa and Minnesota—the two other states with similar bills pending—will follow Florida’s lead and reject these irresponsible proposals.”

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One Response to “Florida Bill Banning Photographing Factory Farms Dies”

  1. herwin Says:

    thanks VegetarianStar for posting about this important news.