Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Mark Bittman On Cooking Apps In The Kitchen

“I have to say, I’m pretty blown away by these apps. Over 2000 recipes, timers, menu tips, charts, handy illustrations. But this app is less about technology — it’s just a cookbook in a new form. It doesn’t change the way you cook. It changes the way you look at recipes.”

“For me, the real question is: does it bring more people to cooking? If it does, wonderful. If it doesn’t, maybe it’s just a fad. But it’s way too early to say. We need to give it another 5 years or so. Really give people a chance to figure out how to use these things in the kitchen. These apps have the potential to make people’s lives easier.”

Mark Bittman, on his new How To Cook Everything Vegetarian app, now available from iTunes for $4.99. Can apps bring more people to the kitchen? They make it a lot easier to build a collection of recipes and books that offer cooking instructions without taking up shelves in the kitchen. In addition to Bittman’s app, don’t forget to check out other vegetarian and vegan cooking apps.

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