Quantcast Vegetarian StarLiv Tyler Co-Hosts Stella McCartney Shop Launch At Saks Fifth Avenue

Liv Tyler

Animal conscious fashionistas in New York now have one more outlet to shop for clothing.

A Stella McCartney shop was recently launched at Saks Fifth Avenue in the city, in an event hosted by Liv Tyler that featured veggie food and cute animals.

Guests at the launch enjoyed veggie hotdogs and were kept in good company by a real live dog brought by one party attendee.

In addition to Stella’s adult line, Saks Fifth Avenue also houses the Stella McCartney children’s line on the second floor of the store.

Two other Saks offer a Stella McCartney shop, one in Beverly Hills and one in Chicago.

Known for being both a vegetarian and a sustainable designer, McCartney has said she will always continue to meet the demands of trendy fashion without hurting animals and the environment.

“I will always take the opportunity to use a beautiful organic fabric,” McCartney said. “I obviously don’t use any animal skins or furs in my collections which has a huge impact on the planet. About fifty million animals die for the sake of fashion ever year, which is extremely wasteful and significantly contributes to climate change as farming uses a lot of water, energy and land, devastate forests and pollutes oceans.”

Photo: PR Photos

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  1. Stella McCartney Launches Eco-Clothing Store In New York | ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

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