Quantcast Vegetarian StarElisabetta Canalis Getting Naked For PETA Against Fur

Elisabetta Canalis Getting Naked For PETA Against Fur

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 5th, 2011 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Fur.

Elisabetta Canalis George Clooney 2010 Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights Ripple of Hope Awards Dinner - Arrivals

Elisabetta Canalis says the best time to get naked is in front of the camera for animal rights.

We can’t agree, and when millions of men see the final product of the ad shoot, they’ll probably agree too.

The girlfriend of actor George Clooney is seen in a few sneak peek photos of her anti-fur advertisement for PETA, where she is posing in front of a blue background wearing nothing more than compassion.

“I was a kid, a little girl, and was watching TV at home and they showed a documentary,” Canalis said.

“And in the documentary I saw how they killed little animals, like electrocuting them, drowning them, bludgeoning them.”

“I was shocked because I was a little girl, but by that moment I thought that I would never, never, never, wear fur in my life.”

Canalis’ adopted dog was also present during the photo shoot.

Several photos are available to view at the Daily Mail.

Photo: PR Photos

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