Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Water For Elephants” Harmed No Elephants (Video)

“Water For Elephants” Harmed No Elephants (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 29th, 2011 in Animal Issues, Film & TV, Videos.

Water for Elephants is a film starring Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon about a young veterinary student named Jacob Jankowski who joins a traveling circus to care for the animals. Although he loves all the animals, there is one in particular, an elephant named Rosie, that attracts his attention the most.

“Elephants are the most sophisticated, gentle creatures you could possibly hope to work with,” Pattinson said.

Scenes in movie depict elephants covered in blood and suffering from bruises and injuries. But the American Humane Association had monitors on the set and have given the film their trademarked certification of “No Animals Were Harmed” in the making.

Filmakerers used computer-generated images and fake blood to create realistic scenes. In fact, according to AHA representative Gina Johnson, the only possible risk to the elephant was having to watch the actors violently lash out at each other. And the elephant was gradually exposed to the noise levels of those scenes while being comforted with sweet treats.

Below is a behind the scenes clip from Water For Elephants from the AHA.

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