Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Dirt Candy’s Amanda Cohen Tells What Attracted Her To Veggie Burgers

“Before I became a vegetarian I was a huge hamburger fan. It’s not quite the national food of Canada (that would be beer, or maybe poutine, but probably beer) but hamburgers are for everyone, even us. Then, after I gave up meat, I became a huge veggie burger fan and that’s when I had my revelation: it wasn’t the meat that mattered to me. From where I was eating, the hamburger was simply a delivery device for condiments and lettuce and onions and cheese and tomatoes and bread. Those wan soy patties fell into the background and all those condiments, that turned out to be my true love, rushed to the fore.”

Amanda Cohen, founder and owner of Dirt Candy, a vegetable restaurant in New York City. This week has been burger week at Eater, and Cohen’s post for the Veggie Burger Power Hour wraps up the work week.

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