Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Sheryl Crow On “If It Makes You Healthy”

“One of the reasons I wanted to do this cookbook is that after I was diagnosed with breast cancer five years ago, I changed the way I was eating because I wanted to have a pro-active part in my recovery, as well as my sustaining health and Chuck knew so much about it.”

Sheryl Crow, on her new cookbook, If It Makes You Healthy, which she co-wrote with her personal chef, Chuck White. The cookbook happens to be vegetarian and vegan friendly. Inside, you’ll find recipes that call for soy crumbles and quinoa for protein, as well as vegan chocolate desserts. If you’re an omnivore who picked up the book thinking “healthy” meant lower fat cheese and leaner meats, don’t be afraid to try to veghead recipes. It just might be your Favorite Cooking Mistake.

Photo: PR Photos

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