Quantcast Vegetarian StarFood Network Donut Champions Crowns Vegan Mighty-O The Winner

This past weekend, the Food Network hosted its first ever breakfast making competition, which featured vegan donut baker Sara Beth Russert from Seattle’s Mighty-O donut bakery.

Russert won the challenge, beating out two other bakeries in a contest where bakers had to created donuts based on themes in two rounds of competition.

In the first round, contestants had 90 minutes to create two donuts, one of which had to contain a secret ingredient. Russert’s French Toast donut was impressive.

The second round forced the contestants to create an animal shaped object from donuts in six hours.

As seen from the preview of the show, Russert chose to make an elephant from her donuts.

In the end, Mini the Mighty el-o-phant, a cinnamon sugar and ginger donut, salted chocolate caramel donate with chocolate filling and cherry pecan fritter enabled Russert to win the $10,000 grand prize.

If you missed the challenge this weekend, it will air again Tuesday, April 12 at 11 p.m., Wednesday, April 13 at 2 a.m., and Saturday, April 16 at 6 p.m

Mini the Mighty el-o-phant is currently on display at Mighty-O donuts and the bakery will host a viewing party of the Food Network episode on April 27 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at its restaurant at 2110 N. 55th St. in Seattle, Washington.

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2 Responses to “Food Network Donut Champions Crowns Vegan Mighty-O The Winner”

  1. crystel Says:

    Your donuts looks so delicious!

  2. Laura Says:

    Salted chocolate caramel donut with chocolate filling? OMG That sounds so divine!