Quantcast Vegetarian StarShahid Kapoor Knows Chicks Love A Vegetarian (Video)

Shahid Kapoor Knows Chicks Love A Vegetarian (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 11th, 2011 in Actors, Food & Drink, Videos.

PETA has launched a brand new ad featuring Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor promoting vegetarianism.

Holding two chicks in the palms of his hands, Shahid flashes a smile that helped him win PETA India’s Sexiest Vegetarian of 2009 award.

“I love chicks… pigs, cows, fish, and all the other animals too,” Shahid said. “That’s why I turned vegetarian.”

“I am very happy being a vegetarian and I believe that it is the best way to be. The day I started believing in the fact that I would want not to kill animals for my taste buds that is the day everything changed for me.”

A video featuring a behind the scenes interview with Shahid during the shoot can be viewed below.

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