Quantcast Vegetarian StarMae Whitman Stays Veg And Gets Tattooed In “The Perks Of Being A Wallflower”

Parenthood‘s Mae Whitman has been chosen to star with Emma Watson in a new film about a 15-year old kid struggling with the ups and downs of adolescence, including his girlfriend issues with Watson.

Whitman will play a tattooed vegetarian girlfriend of the 15-year old boy in The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

This isn’t the first movie that spins veg life into the script that Whitman’s had a role in. She played Roxy Richter in the film featuring an ex-boyfriend villain who gained superpowers like physically throwing people across the room with his mind by eating a vegan diet in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

On the set of Parenthood, Whitman says it’s easy to follow a vegan diet she embraced a couple of years ago.

“We have the best craft services I’ve ever had in my life,” Whitman said. “Sometimes they’ll bring a raw vegan chef. Some of the wardrobe gals are vegan and a lot of people are vegetarian. A lot of us want to eat healthier and they make it very accessible.”

The Perks of Being a Wallflower, based on a 1999 novel with the same name, is expected to begin filming next month.

Photo: PR Photos

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