Quantcast Vegetarian StarLauren Bush FEED Projects Launches “FEED Japan” Organic Cotton Bag

The vegetarian co-founder and CEO of FEED Projects, Lauren Bush, has once again provided a trendy, environmentally friendly way to help those in need through FEED Projects’ latest bag that will provide support to organizations helping victims of the recent Japan earthquake and tsunami, the FEED Japan bag.

At $35 per bag, this is an incredibly affordable deal that gives $10 of each purchase to the FEED Foundation’s FEED Japan Fund, which aids disaster relief programs for Japan.

The white tote bag is made in the U.S.A. from 100% organic cotton. It displays Japan’s flag on the back and the FEED Japan logo on the front.

The FEED Japan bag is 12″ high and 19″ wide, with straps measuring 12″ from the top of the straps to the top of the bag.

Purchase the bag exclusively online at FEED Projects.

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