Quantcast Vegetarian StarMartha Stewart Vegan Episode Includes Biz Stone, Kathy Freston, Gene Baur

If you missed the chance to score tickets to Martha Stewart‘s vegan episode, you’ve missed out on a treat. Set your TiVos now, because the domestic diva will be hosting some pretty cool famous vegans and making delicious, animal-free dishes.

Twitter co-founder Biz Stone will help Martha make seitan bourguignon. Then, author Kathy Freston will make vegan fruit and nut bars and share her tips for making the steps to add more vegan meals into your diet.

Finally, Farm Sanctuary‘s president and co-founder Gene Baur will discuss the conditions animals raised for food in factory farms endure. Baur will give viewers a glimpse into the lives of the rescued farm animals living at Farm Sanctuary’s locations on the West and East coasts of the United States.

The vegan episode airs Wednesday, March 30 at 10 a.m. on The Hallmark Channel.

Photo: PR Photos

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5 Responses to “Martha Stewart Vegan Episode Includes Biz Stone, Kathy Freston, Gene Baur”

  1. FoodFitnessFreshAir Says:

    Can’t wait to see this! Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Martha Stewart's Vegan Episode Will Make Animal Free Even More Delicious | ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] show is following in the footsteps of Oprah’s recent vegan challenge episode. Via Vegetarian Star GA_googleFillSlot("Post_468x60"); var Scribol; if(typeof Scribol=='undefined'){Scribol={}; […]

  3. Katherine Says:

    Perfect way to start my birthday 🙂

  4. Paula Says:

    I just wish I had not seen her show immediately preceding (1-2pm) when I was setting up to record the vegan show from 2-3. She had a guest and they were talking about organic gardening and also raising chickens, turkeys and pigs. Martha asked her if she also “freezes” them [to kill them] … did I hear right? Actually, this was not new to me because my cat rescue friend told me that breeders freeze kittens that would not qualify as “show” quality. But I was shocked to hear that this is done with home-raised animals too. Anyway, the kicker was, Martha then said that “everyone has to know that if she or this lady do anything, it’s done “humanely”. At least Martha’s daughter is vegan, maybe there’s hope for Martha, and thus, her influence.

    Gene Baur was good but he’s still only addressing factory farming. Hopefully it all comes together and most people will concur with the vegan definition of “humane”.

  5. Julia Says:

    I heard Gene Bauer is a narcissist.