Quantcast Vegetarian StarIzabella Miko From “The Cape” Loves Natural Toothpaste

Izabella Miko stars as Raia, an acrobat in the group of circus performers turned bank robbers who call themselves the “Carnival of Crime” in the superhero drama series The Cape.

Although she never learned to rob a bank (thank goodness), growing up with parents who were no strangers to the stage, Miko learned how to dance and do trapeze and aerial long before landing the role.

The actress is into sustainable living and founded the Eko Miko Foundation to teach people how to live greener.

Miko practices what she preaches, using natural, organic cosmetics by Josie Maran and a natural, animal-friendly toothpaste by Jason.

“One thing I’m obsessed with this toothpaste,” Miko told EcoStiletto. “I really try to use natural toothpaste. And I found this really cool one that has vanilla flavor to it. It’s called Power Smile by a company called Jason. I’m obsessed with it!”

The Powersmile Vanilla Mint Toothpaste contains no animal products or by-products and is not tested on animals. It’s also fluoride-free. Although fluoride has been touted as beneficial in cavity protection, recent studies have found it may not offer as much protection as once thought. And other studies have pinpointed fluoride in the risk of health problems like cancer.

The PowerSmile® Enzyme Brightening Oral Care from Jason is a more natural alternative to whitening teeth and also contains no sulfates, preservatives, propylene glycol, saccharin or artificial flavors or colors.

Photo: PR Photos

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