Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Terry Hope Romero Says Date An Omnivore

“Relationships are complex things and to hinge them on just one aspect doesn’t make them any easier. In this world there are perfectly wonderful people who eat meat and then there are some unpleasant people who are vegan. What is most important if you’re a vegan dating an omnivore is that this person is respectful of your lifestyle choices. And if they’re millionaires and gorgeous, more power to you.”

Terry Hope Romero, vegan Latin food queen and author of several vegan cookbooks, including Viva Vegan!, Vegan Cupcakes Invade Your Cookie Jar and Veganomicon.

No, not not every vegan is opposed to loving a meat eater. Some even recommend it, as there’s opportunity to share the food in your world with someone who normally wouldn’t be exposed to it.

Still not comfortable making the pizza half veggie and half meat with your lover? There are numerous vegetarian and vegan dating sites online.


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