Quantcast Vegetarian StarPlay Defensive Omnivore Bingo

Play Defensive Omnivore Bingo

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 16th, 2011 in Food & Drink, Humor, Offbeat.

A super funny creation by Brian VanderVeen, Defensive Omnivore Bingo has the announcer ditching the “B7” and “O63” for “Begins To Wax Sentimental Over Some Variety of Meat They Could Never Give Up,” “Mentions Canine Teeth,” and “Expresses Concern For Plant Suffering.”

The Omnivore Bingo game looks like a joke, but this could be used to start conversations about vegetarianism and veganism as it brings up the 24 top arguments meat eaters give when criticizing your diet or refusing to acknowledge that even reducing their meat intake is a good idea.

It’s also a good game to play with your friends on the weekend while eating some dairy-free cheeze snacks and sipping on vegan booze.

And the new game starts with, “N-Asks Where You Get Your Protein.”

via Vegan.com

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One Response to “Play Defensive Omnivore Bingo”

  1. Kat Says:

    Hahaha I’ve heard all of these.

    He should add the “in my culture, meat is really important, so I can’t give it up.”