Quantcast Vegetarian StarAbbie Cornish “Sucker Punch” Role Taught Her Shooting Without Animal Targets

Whoever thinks vegetarian is another name for bad hunter better not say that to Abbie Cornish when she’s got her M4 in hand.

Not to worry, Cornish, a vegetarian, isn’t interested in shooting anything with a face, animal or human. But she was surprised to learn how much fun she had going for the range to prepare for her latest role in Sucker Punch, the tale of five women who bust out of a psych ward.

“I’m a vegetarian—I’m not the type to want to go shoot a gun,” Cornish told GQ magazine. “Then I actually got to the range and totally fell in love with an M4. It was kind of amazing.”

The actress who was named Australia’s Sexiest Vegetarian grew up with many animals around her home in New South Wales, has been a vegetarian since 13 and has voiced support for Australia’s animal welfare group Voiceless.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Abbie Cornish “Sucker Punch” Role Taught Her Shooting Without Animal Targets”

  1. Kat Says:

    Do you mean’without’ animal targets?
    That title was starting to make mad my blood boil before I actually read it lol

  2. Vegetarian Star Says:

    Yes, thanks for the correction. Title has been updated! 🙂