Quantcast Vegetarian StarSteve-O Loves Elephant Lucy–Proves Jackasses And Republicans Can Get Along

Congress, listen up!

There’s no reason Democrats and Republicans can’t come together for the good of the country. Vegan Steve-O proves that a Jackass has no problem siding with an elephant.

The comedian and actor from the infamous series involving horrendous stunts on camera, Jackass, has expressed his thoughts on an elephant housed in the Edmonton Zoo in Canada, Lucy.

Last week, Steve-O took part in a protest. Activists want officials to release Lucy to a sanctuary located in a warmer climate. The sanctuary would also give Lucy room to walk around like she would in the wild.

“I’m sympathetic to Lucy because I know that elephants in their natural habitat will walk some 30 miles every day,” Steve-O said. “I don’t understand how the zoo’s able to keep her. It seems so black and white.”

Elephants in the wild may live longer, healthier lives than elephants kept in zoos. Because they aren’t able to walk as much as they would in the wild, zoo elephants are more likely to experience to joint problems like arthritis. One study found elephants in the wild lived, on average, decades longer than their captive counterparts.

Photo: PR Photos

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