Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Dr. Neal Barnard On Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” Campaign

Dr. Neal Barnard

“I’m still waiting to see how serious the administration is. Even naming it “Let’s Move” suggests that the problem is that kids aren’t sweating enough, and I think that’s a mistake. Researchers have looked at the causes of childhood obesity and the changes in physical activity and diet. And the changes in physical activity, while there for some kids, are not enough to account for the increase in obesity. If you tell a kid you’ve got to exercise off the calories they just ate in six chicken nuggets, that child has to run 3-1/2 miles. In theory, you can force children to exercise off the calories we are stuffing down their throats, but the issue really is the input side.”

Dr. Neal Barnard, founder and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, on Michelle Obama‘s campaign to get kids fitter, Let’s Move!” Dr. Barnard, who follows a vegan diet, believes calorie counting is not necessary if people fill up on grains, beans, fruits and vegetables.

The PCRM recently unveiled its eating guidelines in what it calls the Power Plate. The Power Plate doesn’t recommend a definite number of servings from each food group, but simply advocates eating a completely plant-based diet, choosing foods from legumes, grains, fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.

And please don’t call him a vegan. Although he eats a plant-based diet, he said the word vegan, “sounds like I’ve got a red tie-dye shirt. What I say is that I follow a vegan diet. I use it as a word for foods, not people.”


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