Quantcast Vegetarian StarWaka Flocka Flame PETA “Ink Not Mink” Anti Fur Ad

Waka Flocka Flame PETA “Ink Not Mink” Anti Fur Ad

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 8th, 2011 in Fur, Male Singers.

Waka Flocka Flame Chooses Ink, Not Mink

Waka Flocka Flame plays nice and naughty activist in two different “Ink Not Mink” ads for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals aimed to discourage people from wearing real fur.

In both the G-rated and NSFW version (shown below), the ad reads, “Be comfortable in your own skin. Let animals wear theirs.”

As a child, Flocka grew up with a lot of animals–dogs, iguanas, lizzards.

Which is why after he learned about how animals are killed for fur–from the trapping to electrocuting and skinning alive–he teamed up with PETA to promote their anti-cruelty message.

Like Waka, it’s easy to take a “No Hands” approach to fur, especially with the new Truth In Fur Labeling law that requires a garment with a little “fur trim” to disclose whether it’s real or fake.

Be comfortable in your own skin.

Or, as Waka says, “F*ck Fur!”

Waka Flocka Flame Chooses Ink, Not Mink

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