Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Newton-John “Livwise” Vegetarian Friendly Cookbook

LivWise Olivia Newton-John

Vegetarian fans of Olivia Newton-John were disappointed to learn she had started eating grilled chicken and fish because she thought that action would alleviate anemia. Olivia was once a very outspoken vegetarian and environmentalist, even recording an animal rights song The Promise (The Dolphin Song) in the early 80s.

But Olivia has entered the cookbook world now. And just because she isn’t eating 100% vegetarian doesn’t mean she’s forgotten how to cook it. Her book, Livwise, set for release in May, is very vegetarian friendly.

Livwise contains recipes for main entrees, salads, snacks and desserts contributed by Olivia as well as her friends and chefs at her Australian health retreat, Gaia.

Livwise is abundant with full color photos and detailed instructions for numerous veg-friendly recipes like Chickpea Patties and Gaia Toasted Muesli.

Livwise also has advice from Olivia on how she’s managed to keep that sexy Sandy Olsson look from Grease after all these years.

From RandyReport:

“Olivia Newton-John is a woman who radiates health, positivity and wellbeing. She is often asked, ‘how do you do it?’ In Livwise, Olivia explains her belief in the importance of eating a healthy diet in order to maintain wellness and balance. This book will introduce you to ways of eating and living that will keep you in good health and happiness.”

The paperback book from Murdoch is now available for pre-order and ships worldwide.

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