Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoe Jonas Drinks His Greens

Joe Jonas

If there was anyone who acted like a closet veggie, it’s Joe Jonas.

Dude’s been spotted so many times enjoying items like veggie burgers at vegan restaurants like Real Food Daily.

And now, more evidence pointing towards his plant-based propensities has been snapped by MTV’s Buzzworthy Blog after he had been shopping  at a clothing store which is home to a cafe that specializes in soy, fruit and veggie-based shakes and drinks.

Joe had been perusing the Fred Segal clothing store in Santa Monica, California, which also houses Comfort Cafe.

The picture elicits more questions.

Is there wheatgrass in that cup? Purely raw? Or is it just a green tea latte that we’re getting worked up over?

Besides stalking Joe Jonas, once you’re inside Comfort Cafe, you may choose to order a freshly squeezed juice such as Carrot, Apple and Ginger; Carrot, Celery and Beet; Carrot, Apple and Beet or Orange and Carrot from the menu.

Or select soy milk to blend various shakes containing berries, peanut butter and other mixed fruit .

Juices and shakes are a great way to get several servings of fruits or vegetables in your day and provide good sources of vitamins like A and C.

You can also go the green drink route at home by trying ones we’ve featured before by Dr. Oz, Peter Max and Kris Carr.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Joe Jonas Drinks His Greens”

  1. Katherine Says:

    I know quite a few meat eaters who drink green smoothies and like Fred Segal so I wouldn’t jump to conclusions on that one.

    But if he is a vegetarian or vegan, he would definitely be one of the best looking 🙂