Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Eating Animals” By Jonathan Safran Foer On College Summer Reading Lists

"Eating Animals" Jonathan Safran Foer

Incoming freshman at the University of North Carolina and Duke University will be asked to consider the effects of their diet on the planet as the book on board for summer reading is Jonathan Safran Foer‘s Eating Animals.

The two universities often work with one another on all sorts of initiatives except sports, and officials chose Foer’s book for both Blue Devils and Tar Heels over 293 other suggestions.

“I think any student reading this book will look at the research that the author did and realize that that’s what they should think about doing for all the big decisions in their lives,” Jan Yopp, the UNC dean of summer school and chairwoman of UNC’s selection committee, said.

Eating Animals details the research done by Foer as he attempted to gain access to factory farms across the United States and interview people involved with animal agriculture.

If UNC and Duke students are unwilling to give up their summer for academics, there’s always the unofficial online “Cliffs Notes” version, which summarizes the key points made in the book about the potential consequences of large amounts of antibiotics used for farm animals and the abuse of animals before they are slaughtered.

Duke has already challenged its students to live more sustainable. Through a page on the university’s website, students can learn how to lower their carbon footprint, calculate the effects of their actions on the earth and recruit their peers to live greener.

Duke also conducted an assessment of the environmental impact of its dining hall practices, which examined many factors such as the source of food and the biodegradability of utensils used.

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2 Responses to ““Eating Animals” By Jonathan Safran Foer On College Summer Reading Lists”

  1. Karina Says:

    More schools should be doing this. The book really makes you think about your food whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, or an omnivore.

  2. Vegetarian Book "Eating Animals" Tops Colleges Summer-Reading Lists | ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] that that’s what they should think about doing for all the big decisions in their lives,” says UNC summer-school dean Jan Yopp, who also served as a selection-committee chairwoman. Duke senior Priya Bhat tells Duke News that, […]