Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Portlandia” Renewed For Second Season. Prepare For Vegan Bike Joust.

Jonathan Krisel, Carrie Brownstein and Fred Armisen

In a first ever for the IFC, Portlandia, a comedy-sketch series that pokes fun of the left, has been renewed for a second season before season 1 has wrapped up.

Portlandia stars Saturday Night Live veteran Fred Armisen and his co-star, Carrie Brownstein, as they portray various characters that parody all things liberal. During the first episode, Armisen and Brownstein play a couple dining at a restaurant that professes to serve humane food that comes complete with a file on all the animals used for food,  including their photos. Not willing to take the waitress’ word, the couple pays a visit to the farm where the chickens are raised. This farm happens to be ran by a cult consisting of one man who happens to love multiple women, but makes room to enjoy his “Peter” (Armisen) on occasion too.

We think  there is a lesson in knowing where your food comes from. Maybe a little one.

“This is the first time ever that we’ve picked up a show while it’s still running,” IFC senior VP of original programming Debbie DeMontreux said, according to Variety, “which is also a testament to how we love and value this show, and we’ve been producing originals for several years now.”

Season two will consist of 10 episodes, 4 more than the debut series had.

In a recent post, Portland Mercury jokes at what season two will cover, which may include, “vegan bike joust” and “farmers market produce.”

Photo: PR Photos

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