Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Bittman Debuts New York Times Opinion Column With Food Overhaul Ideas

Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman has started his opinion column for the New York Times which he has promised to dedicate to issues relating to making food more sustainable.

The former author of the Times “Minimalist” series has wasted no time expressing his views on where the food industry should be going. And that direction is one that includes encouraging more home cooking, better food labeling and outlawing concentrated animal feeding operations while pushing towards plant-based diets.

One of Bittman’s suggestions that got us thinking creatively is that home cooking should be subsidized. Food education and cooking classes should be provided for everyone and he’s not just talking about home ec in junior high. Could America’s families benefit from vouchers that go towards cookbooks that emphasize wholesome, plant-based foods? Could every major city recruit chefs like Jamie Oliver to hold street corner cooking demos to rev up the town?

The flexitarian who maintains a vegan diet until 6:00 p.m. would also like to overhaul the USDA, as he believes its main mission is to further big ag’s success.

“Currently, the U.S.D.A. counts among its missions both expanding markets for agricultural products (like corn and soy!) and providing nutrition education. These goals are at odds with each other; you can’t sell garbage while telling people not to eat it, and we need an agency devoted to encouraging sane eating. Meanwhile, the F.D.A. must be given expanded powers to ensure the safety of our food supply.”

Read Bittman’s entire food manifesto for the future.

Photo: PR Photos

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