Jane Lynch Wants Pet Adoption Ad Aired During Westminster Dog Show (Video)
Written by Vegetarian Star on February 1st, 2011 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Videos.
The lean, mean cheerleader coach on Glee is encouraging officials at the USA Network to save millions of dogs from being euthanized every year in shelters.
Jane Lynch wrote a letter to the network asking it to air a PETA ad during the Westminster Dog Show that encourages adoption in a rather dark, but truthful way by asking, “If you buy a dog, what will you do with the shelter dog you kill?”
“Every time a Westminster viewer rushes out to a pet store or breeder to purchase a dog like the one he or she saw prancing around at Madison Square Garden, a dog in a shelter joins the more than 4 million animals who must be euthanized each year because of a lack of good homes,” Lynch wrote.
“My friends at PETA and I hope that you’ll give your viewers the whole story during the Westminster broadcast by airing “Everyday Dogs,” which shows people walking, playing Frisbee, and going on road trips with their dogs—who, unfortunately, are in body bags. The PSA closes with the question “If you buy a dog, what will you do with the shelter dog you kill?”
If you’re interested in seeing a show dog, you can do so without cable television. One veterinarian and dog expert estimated that 25-30% of shelter animals are purebred. They most likely ended up there after someone saw a breed in a setting similar to a dog show and thought the cuteness factor would determine compatibility in the home.
Read Lynch’s entire letter here.
Below is the ad.
Photo: PR Photos
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